
  • To complete the student file at the time of registration
  • To ensure the file’s compliance with the college’s admission conditions
  • To maintain the accounting of both income and expenses


  • Sister Marie Haykal: Economist
  • Mrs. Roula Khazen: Cashier
  • Mr. Elie Chahine: Chief Accountant
  • Mr. George Saadé: Programmer

*** The college management provides parents with a summary of tuition fees and payment modalities. ***

Payment Dates for Tuition Fees:

  • First Installment: Before the end of September
  • Second Installment: Before the end of December
  • Third Installment: Before the end of March

Note: Parents are requested to adhere to these deadlines.

*** The college provides insurance for students against accidents that may occur on its premises, on the bus, and during supervised activities. ***